
About My College Seminar..

On 18th Jan i attended a seminar on the topic environmental science in my college..The seminar was given by   father rayappa A.kasi..such a wonderful speech he has gave..His main moto is to save our earth from "GLOBAL WARMING" he said its not a global warming its a "GLOBAL WARNING".. He also said global warming is a potentially the most dangerous of all diasters that we have seen... i think its really a true words..and he has gave how to protect world from pollution,population and he focused on various thinks necessary for our life...Really excellent seminar he has gave i thank my principal for arrange such a useful seminar for us...i attach his website here below..friends visit his website and learn what i have learn ...



Anonymous said...

nice class...

Anonymous said...

nicee...... :(

Anonymous said...

nice class and very interesting class...